If I am HIV negative does that mean that my partner is HIV negative


If I am HIV negative does that mean that my partner is HIV negative

No. Your HIV test result reveals only your HIV status. Your negative test result does not tell you about the HIV status of your partner(s). HIV is not necessarily transmitted every time there is an exposure.

No one's test result can be used to determine another person's HIV status.



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How long after possible exposure should I get tested for HIV


If I am HIV negative does that mean that my partner is HIV negative

What If I Test HIV Positive  

I'm HIV positive.  Where can I go for information about treatments

How Many People Have HIV and AIDS   How safe is the United States Blood Supply
Where Did HIV Come From  

Why is CDC recommending that all pregnant women be tested for HIV


Can a women give HIV to a man during vaginal intercourse

  Can I get HIV from Oral Sex

How effective is Latex Condoms in preventing HIV

  Can Oil be used as a lubricant with Condoms

Whats the connection between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases

  Can I get HIV from Kissing

Should I be concerned about getting infected while playing sports


Can I get HIV from shaking hands, hugging, using a toilet

Can I get infected with HIV from mosquitoes  

What does CDC recommend for prevention of transmission of HIV through intra-venous drugs




 Oraquick HIV Test in Home  PACK OF 3 ORAQUICK HIV TEST  Oraquick Oral In Home Saliva Test For Hiv. (Completely Private) The 1St Test You Can Read Yourself. No Outside Facilities Involved.
 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes  MyLab Box STD Test Kits  Prenox D7: Aids & HIV Supplements -Immune System Vitamins For Nutritional Deficiencies Caused By the Virus. Results in a Healthier Body
 Home Access Express HIV-1 Test System - At-Home Test For The HIV Virus - Next Day Results, Confidential & FDA Approved  myLAB Box At Home STD Test for MEN - Discreet Mail-In Kit - Lab Certified Results in 3-5 Days  At Home STD Test for WOMEN by myLAB Box. HIV-I and HIV-2
 Saalfeld 30825 Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, HIV Rotavirus  AIDS UPDATE 2014 An Annual Overview of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome  RELIC ROSARY RELIQUARY EARTH FROM ST THERESE 'S COFFIN Therese of Child Jesus Holy Face Carmelite nun Little Flower patron France Russia HIV AIDS sufferers gardener florist loss of parent (Burgundy)
 Relationship of Viruses & Bacteria to Disease  How to Survive a Plague: The Story of How Activists and Scientists Tamed AIDS  Living a Healthy Life with HIV
 Living with HIV: A Patient’s Guide, 2d ed. (McFarland Health Topics)  The AIDS Pandemic: Searching for a Global Response  The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics
 Handbook of AIDS Psychiatry  AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge  HIV: A Global Perspective
 The First Year: HIV: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed    HIV: Challenges and Concerns

Influenza Symptoms/The Flu

Influenza Symptoms Be Aware of Common Flu Symptoms Diagnosing The Flu
Know The Risk From The Flu People May Have Different Reactions from the Flu Know How The Flu Spreads
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How can I tell if I am infected with Aids   How does HIV make someone sick
Where can I get tested for HIV   Can pre-cum and semen fluid contain HIV
How long after possible exposure should I get tested for HIV   If I am HIV negative does that mean that my partner is HIV negative
What if I test HIV positive   I'm HIV positive.. Where can I go for treatment
How many people have HIV and Aids   How safe is the United States Blood Supply
Where did HIV come from   Why is CDC recommending that all pregnant women be tested for HIV
Can a women give HIV to a man during Intercourse   Can I get HIV from Oral Sex
How effective is Latex Condoms in preventing HIV   Can Oil be used as a lubricant with Condoms
What's the connection between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases   Can I get HIV from Kissing
Should I be concerned about getting infected while playing sports   Can I get HIV from shaking hands, hugging, using a toilet
Can I get infected with HIV from Mosquitoes   What does CDC recommend for prevention of transmission of HIV through Intra-venous drugs



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Breast Cancer

 Breast Cancer

Breast is the most common type of cancer among women in this country (other than skin cancer). The number of new cases of breast cancer in women was estimated to be about 212,600 in 2003.

This National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet (NIH Publication Number is 03-1556) has important information about breast cancer. It discusses possible causes, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. It also has information to help women with breast cancer cope with the disease.

Breast Cancer in Men

Each year, about 1,300 men in this country learn they have breast cancer. Much of the information in this booklet applies to men with breast cancer.

More information about breast cancer in men is available on NCI's Web site at http://www.cancer.gov/ and from NCI's Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER

The Breasts

The breasts are glands that can make milk. Each breast sits on chest muscles that cover the ribs.

Each breast is divided into 15 to 20 sections called lobes. Lobes contain many smaller lobules. Lobules contain groups of tiny glands that can produce milk. Milk flows from the lobules through thin tubes called ducts to the nipple. The nipple is in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat fills the spaces between the lobules and ducts.





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Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. Almost 700,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. each year. That is about 29% of all U.S. deaths. Heart disease is a term that includes several more specific heart conditions. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack.

The risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by taking steps to prevent and control those adverse factors that put people at greater risk for heart disease and heart attack. Additionally, knowing the signs and symptoms of heart attack, calling 911 right away, and getting to a hospital are crucial to the most positive outcomes after having a heart attack. People who have had a heart attack can also work to reduce their risk of future events.