Marcus Garvey
Yet even while Garvey supported Jews as positive socioeconomic
and political role models, he was by no means free from the anti-Semitism of his
time. He became increasingly anti-Semitic in his rhetoric following conviction
on mail-fraud charges in 1923, when he became convinced that Jewish and Catholic
jurors and Judge Julian Mack, a leading Zionist and former head of the Zionist
Organization of America, had been biased in the hearing of the case because of
their political objections to his meeting with the acting imperial wizard of the
Ku Klux Klan---an avowedly anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic organization---in
1922. "When they wanted to get me," Garvey informed the African-American
journalist Joel A. Rogers in 1928, "they had a Jewish judge try me, and a Jewish
prosecutor. I would have been freed but two Jews on the jury held out against me
ten hours and succeeded in convicting me, whereupon the Jewish judge gave me the
maximum penalty."
This bitterness continued to pervade his thinking, and tainted
the positive view of Jews he upheld earlier in his career. By the mid-1930s,
racist suspicion of the motivation of Jews was mixed with a more positive
identification with Jews as an oppressed minority, so that Garvey frequently
made statements about Jewish solidarity that were contradictory.
Garvey was a propagator of the anti-Semitic rhetoric common in
the political era epitomized by the formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis in October
1936. He identified with the rise of both Hitler and Mussolini from lower-class
status, and admired the power manifested in their nationalistic brand of
leadership. He praised both men in the early thirties as self-made leaders who
had restored their nations' pride, and used the resurgence of Italy and Germany
as an example to black people for the possible regeneration of Africa. He
admired in particular the remarkable ideological stamp the fascist leaders had
succeeded in imprinting on the world. "In politics as in everything else," he
declared, "movements of any kind [once] established, when centralized by leading
characters generally leave their impression, and so Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin
and the Japanese political leaders are leaving on humanity at large an indelible
mark of their political disposition."
This admiration was tinged with jealousy over the spectacular
impact of the fascist movement. In 1937 he went so far as to claim in a London
interview with Joel A. Rogers that, as Rogers reported, . . . his Fascism
preceded that of Mussolini and Hitler. "We were the first Fascists," [Garvey]
said, "when we had 100,000 disciplined men, and were training children,
Mussolini was still an unknown. Mussolini copied our Fascism."
Later the same year he declared that the "UNIA was before
Mussolini and Hitler ever were heard of. Mussolini and Hitler copied the
program of the UNIA---aggressive nationalism for the black man in Africa."
His naive identification with fascism in the mid-thirties merged
readily with the unfortunate anti-Semitic beliefs he had been voicing since the
mid-twenties. In his lessons for the School of African Philosophy---which were
first delivered when the events of the past few years had brought Nazi policies
of racial discrimination and oppression to the attention of the world---Garvey
cautioned against relying on Jews, stating that the very racial solidarity he
admired made Jews loyal only to themselves and not to other racial groups. These
distasteful comments mark the development of anti-Semitism within the black
community in the United States, reflecting the tension that had developed in
urban areas, in the course of the previous twenty years, between black people
who had migrated from the South or the Caribbean in the World War I era and
Jewish immigrants already established in the cities. Black perceptions of Jews
were influenced by personal resentment of Jewish landlords and shopkeepers, on
whom many black people depended for housing and consumer goods. Jews, in turn,
were influenced by the larger atmosphere of racial prejudice against black
people and prevailing patterns of residential segregation. This economic tension
and cultural dissonance between Jews and black people in areas where the UNIA
was strong made black people receptive toward anti-Semitic theories of
international financial conspiracy.
These racist theories, popular in the early twenties, were
propagated by such widely distributed organs as Henry Ford's Dearborn
Independent and The International Jew. Garvey admired Ford as a self-made
captain of industry, and was undoubtedly familiar with the anti-Semitic leanings
of the Ford publications. Garvey also subscribed to the notorious Protocols of
the Elders of Zion, which went through six editions in the United States between
1920 and 1922. He told Joel A. Rogers in the course of a 1928 interview in
England that "the Elders of Zion teach that a harm done by a Jew to a Gentile is
no harm at all, and the Negro is a Gentile."
Garvey apparently accepted the theory---widely popular in the
twenties and propagated by Ford's Dearborn Independent reporters and the
Protocols---about the existence of a Jewish-capitalist-Bolshevik conspiracy.
Garvey details the same conspiracy theory in his otherwise sympathetic
editorials criticizing Nazi persecution of Jews. "Hitler is only making a fool
of himself," Garvey argued in publicly denouncing Hitler's attacks upon Jews,
declaring further:
Sooner or later the Jews will destroy Germany as they destroyed
Russia. They did not so much destroy Russia from within as from without, and
Hitler is driving the Jews to a more perfect organization from without Germany.
Jewish finance is a powerful world factor. It can destroy men, organizations and
nations. When the Jewish capitalists get together they will strike back at
Germany and the fire of Communism will be lighted and Hitler and his gang will
disappear as they have disappeared in Russia . . . If Hitler will not act
sensibly then Germany must pay the price as Russia did.
Two years before, when Hitler rose to power in Germany, Garvey
wrote of the ability of the Jews to ruin Germany financially. "The Jews are a
powerful minority group," assayed Garvey, "and although they may be at a
disadvantage in Germany, they can so react upon things German as to make the
Germans, and particularly Hitler and the Nazis, rue the day they ever started
the persecution."
While Garvey promulgated prejudicial theories about Jewish
culture in the lessons from the School of African Philosophy and elsewhere, he
also expressed contrary views, at times harshly criticizing racial
discrimination against Jews. In 1933 he directly linked the Jewish reputation
for business acumen with German anti-Semitism. He strongly denounced
discrimination against Jews as a minority group and ascribed anti-Jewish
prejudice to racism motivated by jealousy of Jewish economic success. "The
Jewish race is a noble one," he wrote in a 28 March 1933 New Jamaican editorial,
and "the Jew is only persecuted because he has certain qualities of progress
that other people have not learnt." He then drew a direct analogy between the
persecution of Jews and the prejudice directed against black people in the
United States, and strongly denounced Nazi racial intolerance. He
specifically denounced Hitler's and Mussolini's designs on African colonies, and
linked Nazi prejudice against black people with the persecution of Jews,
describing both as racist policies that presented dangerous ramifications for
world affairs.

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